This domain name and the associated hosting was initially created by Ahmie Yeung, with the authorization of WSUUC leadership, to share digital copies of the worship service recordings ripped from CD. Ahmie has maintained it, entirely at her own expense, this entire time. Nothing on this domain is the property of West Shore Unitarian Universalist Church, the leadership of which is actively defaming Ahmie, her husband, and their 15-year-old son, for speaking their truths and insisting that their inherent worth & dignity be respected. The family has been banned from the premises as of December 26, 2019 with emails sent out to the entire congregation accusing us of being “disruptive” (from our perspective, of oppression issues – as is the expectation in Unitarian Universalism, even when the oppression is inside our own institutions) and “repeated expressions of anger” (about our own oppression by leadership in the church). There was no process involved that the Yeung family was privy to – it was entirely a closed-door secret process with no addressing us directly as we continued to engage with our community and Anthony Makar in good faith with the expectation of being a part of positive reforms from within the institution of that church. We have instead been slandered and had our characters impugned & defamed to the entire congregation, with zero ability to respond to the charges within the church context. We were completely blindsided by being banished from the church. This website will remain to provide our side of the story, as well as to continue to hold the intellectual properties that Ahmie developed to further Unitarian Universalist development. At this time, Ahmie revolks authorization for any official use of any materials on this domain name by WSUUC and affirms the domain, all subdomains, and the contents therein as her property since she has been the one maintaining and paying for it.